This is my first EDM(Everyday Matters) challenge post YAY! And this is also the first time for me to draw a bird. I think there'll be a lot of "My 1st" for EDM since there are 200 things to draw on the list.
Again, I am still learning to do hair/fur/feather and it's been so much fun doing it actually. I did this 2 days ago but I waited until today to post it because I thought it's fair thing to do by giving my partner's last post a 2-3 days grace period. In fact that's what I'll do now, whenever she posts, even if I have a drawing done just right after that, I'll wait for 2 days :)
So tools here again very simple, still my trusty old 0.5mm HB leads from my silver mechanical pencil and bunch of erasers. But I added something else in my inventory, a 6B Faber Castell PITT pure graphite pencil stick... which made the shading a whole lot easier, as well as a color blender, which is basically a stick with folds of paper but it IS better than blending colors with your fingers hahaha. But I didn't use any stylus or empty ball-point pen for it, I used the metal tip/sleeve of my mechanical pencil to do the job.
I also bought a lot of other stuff (following some advice from Onlypencil.com) which I don't find useful in my style of sketching for now at least namely 2H and 4H woodcase pencils, stick eraser with refills(ah well, these are nice to carry around anyway), and Faber Castell Perfection Pencil Eraser(I find Kneadable erasers much more fun and precise).
And finally I bought a proper pencil case for my pencils and tools...from Eastpak(they are supposed to last until I rot to bones right?)... so I am retiring from using my Wrigley's DOUBLEMINT Chewing Gum metal box as my pencil case, they are too short for any of those pencils anyway ^^
Thanks for the constant support and words of encouragement from everybody! Thanks Greg for the list of EDM challenges, and for following our blog, it's truly an honor.
Hope you like this one too... tweep tweeep!