Departures won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film at the 2009 Oscars. A friend recommended it on Facebook, and posted a link to one of the tunes in the soundtracks(Beautiful Death), and while listening to that and browsing at the same time, something strange happened... My eyes started to become watery and tears started to roll. So I decided to watch the movie, and at first it was more like a comedy, because it was so funny... but of course, that part short-lived, and then you just need to watch it to know what's going on. ^^
It's a good movie, it's touched me, and inspired me to draw this picture. I have never put so much emotion in a piece of sketch before, but I was even listening to the soundtracks while drawing this. but I don't think that you're able to feel it because it doesn't transfer that well. But please, if you have a chance, look for it and watch the movie, and make sure Kleenex is always within reach ;)
Thanks again for your comments on my sketch of Sheon. He hasn't checked it yet, so I doubt that he knows about it... he's in for a surprise when it does ^^